Craziness xD

My Addiction.

About Me

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Brockton, MA, United States
My name is Yecelin but you can call me Yeci, (pronounced Jessy). I am 20 years old, Puerto Rican, and from Brockton, MA. I love to read, write, play videogames (especially PS2 and PS3 games), draw, watch anime, and read manga. I love my boyfriend Tim that I have been with for more than three years! [3/11/07] I am totally obsessed with Japanese culture and I am learning Japanese slowly. Yeci desu. Douzo yoroshiku! ^_^ I love to make new friends, so don't be afraid to talk to me! Well, that is it for now, anything you would like to know, feel free to ask! :)

Read A Random Post!

Hey all, I'm sorry I haven't posted for a week, but I'm back!

It's been a weird week, I guess. Or well, not that eventful. I don't even really remember what I did, other than going to appointments and my therapist. The only highlight of my week was on Saturday when I slept over my cousin's house. She is very awesome and it had been such a long time since I last saw her. I'm so glad we finally got to hang out.

We watched Scott Pilgrim VS The World and that movie was awesome. All I have to say is that everyone should go watch that movie right NOW. Anyway, after the movie we went to Best Buy so we could bring my cousin's laptop to get fixed. And then I watched my cousin dance to Poker Face by Lady Gaga on Xbox Kinect. That was fun too. I didn't dance though since there were people watching and that makes me anxious. >.>;;

Then we went to Old Country Buffet and there were slushies, which I love. Her dad brought us there to eat and it was pretty cool. When we got home I helped her with History stuff and then we went to bed. I woke up around four in the morning for some reason.

Now let's skip to today. I woke up at six in the morning and I was supposed to see my peer counselor, but she bailed. So now I don't have an appointment today, which makes me both happy and a little frustrated. I was a little mad that she cancelled because the agency that I deal with flips out when I don't have appointments, but how is it my fault that I don't have one if they cancel on me? Whatever.


Oh yeah, and I'm supposed to be going to this place called Career Works, which I'm familiar with because of my mom. If I knew that I was going to have to go there I would have signed up for it weeks ago instead of waiting for this idiot to "let me know" how things play out. I hate waiting. I just want to go back to school and start a job. I want to save up money so I can move out with Tim. I WANT TO START MY LIFE. And I feel like I'm being held back.

Since I'm already ranting, I might as well go on and let it all out.

I am feeling really insecure about my weight, and about my appearance in general. I feel like I'm just putting on more weight and I hate it. (I am putting on more weight, I check that shit.) And when it comes to eating I feel even worse. Sometimes I just eat without even thinking about it, and then I get pissed at myself for not realizing it. I want to lose weight so bad, but I'm the one holding myself back. And I don't even do it intentionally. This is why I started a gym membership, but that shit doesn't work half the time because A.) Tim doesn't "feel" like going. B.) I don't want to go by myself because my anxiety will surface, and C.) I have no one else to fucking go with.

I just want to stop eating in general and go to the gym everyday. Seriously.

Yes, I know that's not good for me. Do I care? No. So don't give me a lecture that I'm not going to listen to. Do us both a favor and don't waste my time.

Next, I hate not having money. Everything I get is either spent on bills, food, or random expenses that magically pop up. (Example: Tim's car.) And because of this I feel like I can't go out with friends, or in general. I don't go to the movies or anything, and I hate going to the mall with friends, not because I don't like spending time with friends, but because I can't buy anything. I hate going to a store and not being able to get anything. I find it pointless. And it doesn't help when other people have money and they buy shit and then I'm just standing there like, oh hai I'm broke. The only reason it's a good thing is because I get to hang with friends. But I would much rather just chill at some one's house.

Now, this one will be the last one I bring up, since I don't think I can handle thinking about anything else.

I keep thinking about that past. Now, most people don't know shit about my past, or anything that has happened to me. But I have nightmares, and they keep happening, every night. Tim is the only person who knows everything, and I don't want to bother him. I've just been getting anxiety attacks much easier, and some of them happen out of the blue. My depression has gotten worse too, sometimes I feel as bad as I used to when I was at my worst. And I don't want to go back to that. I don't want to end up in another hospital that isn't going to help me. I don't want to make my parents worry about me and think that they did something wrong. Because they didn't. And I try to tell them but they don't understand that the problem isn't them, it's me. I just want to be normal.

But that's not possible. Not after all that shit that's happened. Nothings been normal since age 12. And thanks to that asshole I'll never be the same. I'll always have those scars, and they'll never fade away. Every time I think about it, those scars open up again, as if it was just yesterday that I was going through all that pain and fear. And then I re-live everything again.

Whatever, I'm done being all "depressing" and shit. I know no one likes to actually hear about real shit that happens to people, they just want fake smiles and for everything to be okay, but it's not. The reality is that it's not okay, and I'm not going to pretend that I'm okay just to make your ass feel better.


Now the QotD:

*What do you do when you're feeling down?*

Leave answers in the comment section b e l o w 

OR if you feel like contacting me directly, about this post, my novel, or just for random feedback- please fill out the form to the right. All suggestions/comments are welcome.


"Illusion is the first of all pleasures."

Hello all!

The last few days have been pretty good. I went to my cousin's party, and it was pretty great. I even got my mother and two aunts to get on the dance floor. It was... interesting. Watching them try to dance to anything other than Salsa or Merengue is very awkward. I had a lot of fun though, and I got my Shirley Temple that I was craving since Emily's party, so I was satisfied with how the night turned out. I was just a bit sad that Tim couldn't go because of work. (But I'm quite sure he didn't want to go anyway, haha.)

On Monday I saw Scott, my career specialist. Or, well, the person who is going to help me get back into school and find a part time job. I'm really psyched about getting this whole thing started. I really want a job, and I want to go back to school and take something involving computers. And Scott can help me find financial aid and other things that will help me go for free. During our first meeting all we did was paperwork, though. It was some type of assessment that he would use for "future reference" or something like that. I'm going to meet him weekly, so hopefully I'll be able to figure things out.

Then it was uneventful until around midnight. As some people (gamers) would know, Black Ops had a midnight release, and Tim wanted to go wait in line for it, so I went with him. It was very cold (and raining) and I was only wearing a t-shirt, so I was obviously freezing my ass off. And we had to wait for an hour and a half, so as you can imagine, I was only moments away from getting frost bite. <- Exaggerating.

The most interesting event of that night was that towards the end of it, which was when a girl was crossing the parking lot, and a car almost hit her- but she ran quickly across, only to slip and hit her head on the bumper of another car. The whole line saw it, and the first thing I heard when it happened was a collective pronunciation of the letter O. All I know is she was knocked the fuck out. And she probably suffered from a concussion. I'm sure she's alright, though.

Now I'm just going to skip Tuesday (since it wasn't that noteworthy) and move on to today. I woke up around ten, and went to see my peer counselor at eleven in the morning. We drove around for a bit, talking and getting lost in Brockton. When I came back I woke up Tim and we went to the gym for an hour and a half. I was exhausted by the time we got home, and I think he was too because we took a nap until it was time for him to go to work. Then it was time for Black Ops, which I recommend to everyone. I love it because Tim and I can both go online from the same PS3 and play split screen against other online people.

Anyway, now I'm just sitting in bed with my laptop in my face writing this blog and texting at the same time. I'm waiting for Tim to get home from work so we can watch a movie or play Black Ops together. :3

While it's on my mind, I'm going to do some advertising. Go check out this blog and this blog. They are awesome! (They are also new and need some followers, so please help them out?) :D

And now it's time for the QotD, which is:

*If you could travel to any part of the world, where would you travel, and why?*

Leave answers in the comment section b e l o w XD

OR if you feel like contacting me directly, about this post, my novel, or just for random feedback- please fill out the form to the right. All suggestions/comments are welcome.

Alright, that's it for today. Hopefully I won't stay up all night playing video games. (Who am I kidding, we all know I'm going to stay up!) Well, until next time, take care. And thanks for stopping by!

"Pleasure is the greatest incentive to be evil."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Today Is Going To Be Fun

Hello all! I'm in a great mood today. :D

I saw my peer counselor this morning, which was pretty interesting. I hardly ever talk when I'm with her but today I wouldn't shut up. She even called me hyper. I'm a little sad that Tim didn't want to go to the gym today, and I would have gone by myself but I couldn't find a ride for the life of me. So I made him promise that we would go tomorrow. And I expect to make up for missing today's session. It's kind of a good thing that we didn't go today though, since I kind of injured my foot yesterday. But even with my foot hurting, I still wanted to go. Oh well.

Anyway, right now I'm just waiting to be picked up by Jenna, and then we're going to pick up Ashley at her house and then we're headed off to the mall. It sucks that I don't have much money to spend, (I literally have about ten dollars to my name), but it's still awesome to get out of the house and spend some time with my friends. After that I'm going to Ashley's house to sleep over, which is always fun. It's been a while since I slept over there so I'm pretty happy about it. I think we'll probably watch some movies or PLL. I'm not sure but I think we might go out to dinner- and I don't have money. "/ But I'm sure we'll figure something out.

Tomorrow I have to go see this woman about my therapist and junk, and before that I'm hitting up the gym, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to write. I'm not sure what I'm doing after the appointment but I'll try to at least update even if it is a short post.

I really want to take some pictures today at the mall. That and buy a book.

I also want to work on my novel, and I'm thinking that tomorrow would be a good day for that. So I think that's what I'll do after I get home.

I'm skipping the QotD today since I'm feeling a bit lazy, but I'll definitely post one up the next time I update. I also think I'll be adding a new section to my posts, but I'm not telling yet!

Now I think it's time for me to go, so let's hope that today is awesome, not just for me but for everyone else as well. :]


Monday, November 1, 2010

The Reward Of Suffering Is Experience

Hello all, it's been a while. But don't worry, I didn't forget about my blog!

First off, I guess I should fill you all in on what I've been up to. I started a membership at a gym, and I'm really excited about it. I've already gone for three straight days and I really want to make a habit of it. I think getting in shape will really help my self esteem and that's something I definitely need. Tim is also going with me and that keeps me even more motivated, not to mention it makes the experience more fun. I'm looking forward to going back tomorrow. :]

Next, the last week has been pretty busy. I've been seeing my peer counselors and going to my groups. That and I went out a few times- I even went to a party that was pretty kickass. I went with Ashley, and we danced and ate tacos. It was cool. Now this Saturday coming up is my cousin's Sweet 15, so I'm going there too. My aunt really wanted me to go so hopefully it'll be fun too.

Speaking of future plans, I have a bunch of stuff that I'm going to be doing. I have appointments, plans with friends, the gym, and other events all happening this week. I'm going to be really busy and I'm loving it. Hanging out with Jenna and Ashley should be really fun, and having a sleepover right after is going to be awesome. Maybe I'll even have a chance to watch some PLL? (Hint hint, Ashley xP)

The only thing I need to get sorted out is finding a new therapist and working with Scott to find a job. After that I'll be all set. Well, that and a few other things- but those are small matters.

This past week I've also been writing! And I'm really happy about that because lately I haven't had any motivation to write at all. I even finished reading a whole book, (I pulled an all nighter to do it, though). I've even been writing in my journal, which I've been neglecting. I'm glad to be doing all these things again.

Anyway, I think it's time for the QotD, which is:

*Do you prefer for a male character or female character to be the center of a story?*

Leave answers in the comment section  b e l o w  XD

OR if you feel like contacting me, about this post, my novel, or just for random feedback- please fill out the form to the right. All suggestions/comments are welcome.

Okay, that's it for now. I should be back tomorrow, and if not, it's because I couldn't think of anything to write about.


"It is better to die in hope than live in despair."